Monday, July 18, 2016

On the Way!


We actually left Athens, our jumping off point, yesterday and had a stop over at our friends house in Nashville, TN.  We had not seen Kim and Randy in a very long time and couldn't pass up the chance to share hugs and laughs.  Randy performed the wedding for Tam and I, and Kim sang our favorite song by Etta James - "At Last".

So with the previous trips out west, we decided to stop this time and catch up - The sweet savor of friendship was just what we needed to end the day.  We shared a delicious supper and desserts - Taylor and Bailey are wonderful spirits and a joy to be around!

Our eye lids grew heavy and late into the evening we had to draw it to a close.  Said our good nights and bunked out there as well.

Spent the last few minutes of our visit this morning chatting over a cup of coffee and it was great.

On the road at 0830 and after a stop at the Douglas Restaurant (in the Shell Station) for a recommended breakfast, we headed out for St. Louis and Cuivre (pronounced "quiver") State Park. Tomorrow we will make our way to Lewis and Clark State Park in MO.  Should be a short day in the truck.....

It is so good to be heading out this way again.  St. Louis seems like an old friend....

As in the past....The hat, "that wonderful flat brimmed hat,"  the trade mark beginning of all our trips. This time instead of the steely eyed keeper of all things great and small, when it comes to our National Parks, a happy Pine Knot ready for a well earned vacation.

From Tam- So yesterday, as we drive to Nashville on I-24, we see signs for Fontanel Mansion.  It was on the trademark brown sign, indicating historical significance.  For those of you that know Jim, he is a history buff!  So he noticed the sign and commented, "Fontanel Mansion, I wonder what that's all about?"  So in my effort to schmooze him with historical magic, I replied, "Oh, it has something to do with Andrew Jackson." And he bought it!  But my curiosity got the best of me, so I goggled it. Turns out Fontanel Mansion is the gargantuan log cabin mansion that used to belong to country music singer Barbara Mandrel!!!!  So I had to fess up.  I think it is safe to say that I have sealed my fate that I will not be teaching history lessons to our future grandchildren!!

Then a wonderful evening with precious friends!!  We love you H family!!  It is so nice to know I have a sister spirit in my vocabulary fabrication = vocabulation !! ;) 

As we drive to St. Louis today, we pass the signs for Sikeston, MO, home of Lambert's and the "throwed rolls."  If you've never been, you have to experience it.  Hot, fresh, fluffy rolls, rolled out on a cart, followed by the announcement of "hot rolls."  When you raise your hands up, they'll throw them to you.  A little guy, probably about 8, kept trying to catch the rolls.  Several ended up on the floor but he never gave up.  And finally, the coveted hot throwed roll, followed by apple butter and warm sorghum molasses.  Here is Jim catching his roll in action.  And when you order a drink, you better plan for plenty of stops along the rest of your route!! 

We finally arrive at Cuiver State Park to rest for the evening.  Every sign that reads "West" brings a smile to our faces.  Peaceful evening to all ~

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